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A website and a tool to explore policy priorities in synthetic biology

Eliciting stakeholder opinions

The SYNBIO POLICY METER is an on-line platform that aims to provide topical and reliable knowledge for the assessment of crucial policy priorities and “hot-button issues” relevant for experts and stakeholders (scientist/researchers, NGOs members, policy makers & policy advisors, business/companies, science communicators) involved in the development of synthetic biology and its policy making.


The platform includes a freely accessible monitor tool (the Synthetic Biology Monitor - SBM), offers also the opportunity to explore scientific articles and other scientific and policy reports related to the ethical, legal and social aspects of Synthetic Biology.


The METER is aimed at fostering common understanding and, potentially, consensus building on policy and regulatory priorities. It explores the societal needs, risks and benefits that could orient and shape research and innovation in Synthetic Biology and assess the tools that should be used to embed these aims in research.


The SYNBIO POLICY METER has been developed by the Centre for environmental, ethical, legal and social decisions on emerging technologies (CIGA) of the University of Padua.


For further information about Synenergene, the Synthetic Biology Monitor and the Synbio Policy Meter, contact

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