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 A tool for eploring bibliographic sources on the societal aspects of synthetic biology

A complement to
the Synthetic Biology Policy Meter

The Synthetic Biology Monitor (SBM) is a searchable online repository about the ethical, legal and social aspects of Synthetic Biology.

It collects references to scientific articles and other scientific and policy reports from the major bibliographic databases (ScopusISI Web of Knowledge).


A web crawling software periodically searches for synbio-related documents and updates the entries in the repository. SBM does not store documents, but provides full bibliographic references for indexed documents and a link (DOI number or URL), where further information and/or the full text can be downloaded. In some cases, access to these further details may require a subscription.


The Policy Meter website makes directly accessible to the readers the search form of the SBM. The combination of the Policy Meter and the SBM SMN provides the reader with both information about stakeholders' opinions on applications and policy issues, and the full bibliographic references to a number of sources on the societal aspects of synthetic biology. Therefore, the website is an effective entry point to the exploration of the societal and policy issues of this emerging field.


SBM has been developed by the Centre for environmental, ethical, legal and social decisions on emerging technologies (CIGA) of the University of Padua, in collaboration with the Department of Information Engineering of the same University, in the context of the Synenergene project.


Users are encouraged to suggest documents and websites to be periodically searched for relevant documents and reports; suggestions should be sent to



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